Many parents are looking for flower names for their baby girls because they see their daughters as delicate and beautiful as flowers. Flowers are renowned for their fragrance and beauty, making flower-based names timeless. Names like Rose, Lily, Dahlia, Daisy, and Violet have been popular for centuries. Some parents even choose flower names for their sons. Flower names for girls are unique and sweet choices. They can also be charming, fresh, and fun, especially if a particular flower holds special meaning for you and your family. Here, we suggest the 100 most popular flower-based baby names for girls.
1. Rose - Means love and beauty. Rose is a classic name that has been popular for centuries.
2. Lily - Represents purity and refined beauty. The lily is a popular name with roots in Latin.
3. Daisy – It means innocence and purity. Derived from the Old English word "dægeseage," meaning "day's eye."
4. Violet - Represents modesty and humility. The name has French origins and has been a favourite since the 19th century.
5. Dahlia - Named after the Swedish botanist Anders Dahl, dahlias symbolize elegance and dignity.
6. Poppy - Means remembrance and imagination. The name comes from the Old English word "popæg."
7. Jasmine – It means love and beauty. The name has Persian origins.
8. Marigold - means passion and creativity. Derived from "Mary's gold," a reference to the Virgin Mary.
9. Heather - Represents admiration and good luck. The name comes from the Scottish plant.
10. Lavender - Represents calmness and serenity. The name is derived from the Latin word "lavare," meaning "to wash."
11. Primrose - Represents youth and renewal. The name comes from the Latin word "primus," meaning "first."
12. Tulip - Means perfect love. The name comes from the Turkish word "tülbend," meaning "turban."
13. Lilac - Represents first love and innocence. The name has Persian origins.
14. Gardenia - Represents sweetness and purity. Named after American botanist Alexander Garden.
15. Bluebell – It means gratitude and humility. The name comes from the flower with blue, bell-shaped blooms.
16. Cherry - Means sweetness and charm. The name comes from the fruit-bearing tree.
17. Blossom - Represents blooming and growth. The name comes from the Old English word "blostm."
18. Celandine - Represents joy and happiness. The name comes from the Greek word "chelidon," meaning "swallow."
19. Fleur - Symbolizes flower. The name is the French word for "flower."
20. Hibiscus - Represents delicate beauty. The name comes from the Greek word "hibiskos."
21. Lotus - Meanss purity and enlightenment. The name has Greek origins.
22. Mimosa - Represents sensitivity and respect. The name comes from the Latin word "mimus," meaning "mimic."
23. Oleander – it means caution. The name comes from the Greek word "olea," meaning "olive."
24. Orchid - Represents luxury and beauty. The name comes from the Greek word "orchis," meaning "testicle."
25. Passionflower - Represents passion and love. The name comes from the flower symbolizing Christ's passion.
26. Posy - Means remembrance and affection. The name comes from the word for a small bouquet of flowers.
27. Saffron - Symbolizes joy and happiness. The name comes from the spice derived from the crocus flower.
28. Starflower - Means innocence and purity. The name comes from the star-shaped flowers.
29. Thistle - Means strength and determination. The name comes from the prickly plant.
30. Anise – It means protection and joy. The name comes from the spice derived from the plant.
31. Aspen - Represents strength and resilience. The name comes from the tree known for its trembling leaves.
32. Briar – It means protection and enchantment. The name comes from the thorny plant.
33. Clary - Means clarity and vision. The name comes from the herb known for its medicinal properties.